Low-Dose CT Lung Cancer Screenings Now Available at Maiden Choice Imaging Center

According to the American Cancer Society, 1 in 15 men and 1 in 17 women will be diagnosed with lung cancer in their lifetime (1). Low-dose CT (LDCT) Lung Cancer Screenings are a quick and painless way to screen for lung cancer. This exam will now be offered at our Maiden Choice Imaging Center.
LDCT Lung Cancer Screenings have a proven record of reducing the number of deaths from lung cancer in high risk patients because it helps diagnose the disease at an early, treatable stage.
In 2015, the U.S. Centers for Medicare Services and Medicaid Services approved LDCT screenings for asymptomatic patients with the following criteria (2):
50 to 77 years old
20 pack-year smoking history
No signs or symptoms of lung cancer
Currently smoke or have quit smoking within the past 15 years
Ask your doctor if an LDCT screening should be part of your preventative care plan. For more information about the procedure, please visit Lung Cancer Screening landing page or call 888-972-9700.
1- https:/www.cancer.org/cancer/non-small-cell-lung-cancer/about/key-statistics.html